
  1. Rules for advertising:
    1. No placement of ad, which break the law of the Russian Federation. No ad of web-sites, which have materials with sexual content.
    2. All advertisements must be spelled in good Russian.
    3. Chosen category must correspond to an advertising content.
    4. Advertisement information must correspond to advertised goods and services.
    5. Title must look like a period.
    6. No use of amplifiers words with no meaning such like "shock", "sensation" and etc.
    7. No unfounded use of capital letters and any other symbols in the decorative purposes.
    8. Reference should link to a web page with an advertised good.
    9. No duplicate of advertisements (use the same pictures and titles).
    10. No conceal a domain of advertised web-site (use IP-address and domain-redirect instead of a hypertext link).
    11. No use of ad which contain insulting things, coarse language, breach of the law, materials with sexual content, doubtful services (pyramid investment scheme, esoterism, religion, multilevel marketing, Internet experience and etc).
    12. No misinform.
  2. Rules for websites:
    1. All websites are moderated.
    2. Moderation is about 24 hours except weekend and holidays.
    3. Only Russian websites can be accepted.
    4. Minimal website traffic is about 1000 visitors in a day according to statics of last month before the date of system’s participation filing. No websites on the free hosting. Only websites with minimum 60% search traffic.
    5. Only websites, that are even in one common statistical system (Rambler Top 100, Liveinternet, and etc.) or that are ready to furnish with data for DA/DS statistical systems.
    6. No websites that break the law of the Russian Federation.
    7. No websites, that have materials with sexual content or insulting things. No video game, online dating, warez websites.
    8. No websites with aggressive advertising form (pop-up, pop-under, splash and etc).
    9. No websites with malware or link pages to it. No websites, that can’t sit tests by browsers IE, Firefox, Opera, Safari, Chrome. No websites in the black lists.
    10. No websites without its own content. No redirecting websites.
    11. No websites that advertise earnings for banner impression or for clickthrough. No websites that appeal to click on the advertisement.
  3. Forbidden :
    1. Any drive up the numbers.
    2. Redirecting the visitors to references without informing.
    3. Code layout on the web-sites, which are not logged in the system.
    4. Code layout on the web page, which is created for redirecting the visitors for the other web-pages.
    5. Any way of appeal to click on the advertisement.
    6. Advertiser's use of two or more accounts is possible only in case of coordination with the local authorities. Otherwise copying is forbidden.
    7. Placement of ad in the window media player or location modes, which can misinform the visitors and increase no-purpose clicks.
  4. Blocking websites
    1. The local authorities reserves the right to abandon the placement of ad without reasoning.
    2. In case of breaking the system laws the local authorities reserves the right to delete an account without payment.
  5. Payment
    1. Payment is on every Thursday for the last week
      (from Monday to Sunday) in case of
      incorrect credentials (number of the e-wallet in the WebMoney).